Heuristic Evaluation

Our group conducted a heuristic evaluation on Letterboxd. This evaluation is a usability inspection method that involves reviewing the interface or product based on a set of heuristics or guidelines for good UX design principles. We chose to use Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design and focused on four of them:

  • Match Between System and the Real World

  • User Control and Freedom

  • Consistency and Standards

We evaluated each heuristic using a severity scale to determine if changes were needed urgently or not. Individually, we took screenshots and in FigJam synthesized our evaluations using all 10 heuristics, and then as a group, we narrowed down to the four that brought the most value to the evaluation.

Jakob Nielsen’s 10 Usability Heuristics

Severity Rating Key

Heuristic Evaluation FigJam Board Screenshots

Heuristic #2 – Match Between System and the Real World

The design should communicate in the language of the users. Instead of internal jargon, utilize words, ideas, and concepts that the user is familiar with. Respect real-world customs by arranging information in a natural and logical manner.

The manner you should design is heavily influenced by your target audience. Terms, concepts, iconography, and visuals that appear to you and your colleagues to be completely obvious may be unknown or perplexing to your users.

Example 1 – No Ability to Direct Message

Example 2 – Using Watch Icon for Filter Icon

Heuristic #3 – User Control and Freedom

Users frequently make mistakes when doing actions. They require a clearly designated "emergency exit" in order to abandon the unpleasant activity without having to go through a lengthy procedure.

It generates a sense of independence and confidence when people may easily back out of a process or undo an activity. Exits help users to keep control of the system and avoid being stranded or angry.

Example 1 – Can’t Close Out of Ads

Example 2 – Can’t Cancel or Close Out of Editing a List

Heuristic #4 – Consistency and Standards

Users should not have to guess if various words, contexts, or actions indicate the same thing. Adhere to platform and industry conventions.

According to Jakob's Law, individuals spend the majority of their time utilizing digital items other than yours. Users' expectations are determined by their previous experiences with other products. Failure to maintain consistency may raise the cognitive burden of consumers by requiring them to learn something new.

Example 1 – Inconsistent Header Navigation

Example 2 – Toggle Switch Colors Might Confuse Users

Lessons Learned

  • Heuristic evaluation is a vital process that enables the identification of design deficiencies in platforms and provides recommendations for improving their usability.

  • It's important to note that a single issue identified during the evaluation may be associated with more than one heuristic principle.

  • It's worth noting that heuristic evaluation is highly subjective, as researchers may perceive the severity of an issue differently based on their personal biases. This subjectivity can introduce some ambiguity when determining the severity of an issue on the rating scale.


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